Sunday, 15 December 2013

my colourful life

 thankful to God, on 21st February 1992, A very lucky mother who be able to delivered a very cute baby and named by Sarifah Nur Aqilah binti Shazim. Spouses who come from Felda Sening Kota Tinggi Johor are keeping her fifth child lovingly without give up to teach her daughter about the real life include culture and religious. Always give sponsor for her education till now she achieves what she dreamt. Formerly a small baby and often crying at night, has furthered studies at the university level. On the will of God, Universiti Utara Malaysia is a place to continue to gain knowledge that is never exhausted. Alhamdulillah now she is 21 years old. Travel a considerable distance from south to north Malaysia to seek knowledge.

~my lovely parents~

Hj. Shazim bin Nasran
Hjh. Saliha binti Tugimen

"I am a child dear Allah. I ask nothing from you for me. I only pray that in Your mercy You would grant my parents their needs. May their lives be long and healthy. May they achieve all their dreams. And may they know to their last days that they were deeply loved by me. Oh Allah, please protect my parents like they   always protect me.. Amin..."

she is the girl who is still learning about life and have the ambition to achieve what her want....

-- its all about me (",) --

Sarifah Nur Aqilah binti Shazim (213765)

Bachelor of Business Administrations (HONS)
Universiti Utara Malaysia.

D.O.B >> 21 February 1992

Adress >> No.1444 Blok 19 Kota Tinggi Johor

email >>

Superfood That May Help Prevent Cancer

Eating a healthy diet with the right amount of calories is good for your health and may help to lower your risk of cancer (plus diabetes and heart disease). Add these seven superfood to your diet to help prevent cancer.


Apples come in a variety of flavours and textures, so even picky eaters can find apples to enjoy. And they're so good for you with lots of fibers, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants like quercetin that protect from free radical damage.

Blueberries are rich in vitamins and minerals your body needs for good health. Plus, blueberries are antioxidant powerhouses with a variety of phytochemicals that may prevent cancer. Blueberries are also low in calories and naturally sweet, so they're perfect for a low-calorie dessert.

Broccoli Sprouts
Broccoli sprouts contain very large amounts of natural compounds called isothiocyanates that reduce inflammation and trigger detoxification of carcinogens. They may be a little difficult to find at some grocery stores, but you can still choose regular broccoli that also contains the same isothiocyanates, just not as concentrated.

Carrots contain large amounts of beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant that can be converted to vitamin A in your body and an antioxidant called falcarinol. Whether you eat them raw or cooked, carrots may help to reduce your risk of some forms of cancer.

Green Tea
Sipping green tea gives you lots of antioxidants called catechins that have been shown to slow down the growth of cancer cells in the laboratory. And green tea contains no calories, so it's a great beverage to enjoy when you need to watch your weight.

Olive Oil
You may already know that olive oil is good for your heart, but the healthy fats and polyphenols found in extra virgin olive oil may also reduce your risk of cancer. Olive oil is an essential component of a Mediterranean diet.

Red ripe tomatoes offer potassium, vitamin C, vitamin A and lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that has been associated with a lower risk of cancer. You can choose tiny bite-sized cherry tomatoes up to large beef-steak tomatoes -- all of them are good for you.


One of the dangers of tobacco is that it is so addicting. It causes a physical response in your body when you try to give it up. Therefore, quitting is often difficult. However, with the help of Allah and the personal commitment to improve yourself for the sake of Allah, and for your own health, it is possible.

Make Your Intention

It is first recommended to make the firm intention, from deep in your heart, to give up this evil habit. Trust in Allah's words: "...When you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust in Him. If Allah helps you, none can overcome you; if He forsakes you, who is it - after that - that can help you? In Allah, then, let believers put their trust" (Qur'an 3:159-160).

Change Your Habits

Secondly, you must avoid situations where you are used to smoking, and people who do so around you. For example, if you have certain friends who gather together to smoke, make a choice to stay away from that environment for the time being. At a vulnerable stage, it is too easy to relapse by having "just one." Remember, tobacco causes a physical addiction and you must stay away completely.

Find Alternatives

Thirdly, drink a lot of water and keep yourself busy in other endeavours. Spend time in the mosque. Play sports. Pray. Spend time with your family and non-smoking friends. And remember the words of Allah: "And those who strive hard in Our Cause, We will certainly guide them to Our Paths, for verily Allah is with those who do right” (Qur'an 29:69).

If You Live With a Smoker

If you live with or are friends with smokers, first of all encourage them to quit, for the sake of Allah, their health, and their deen. Share with them the information here, and offer support through the difficult process of quitting.

>> Remember that we will each face Allah alone, however, and we are responsible for our own choices. If they refuse to quit, you have the right to protect your own health and the health of your family. Do not allow it in the house. Do not allow it in enclosed quarters with your family <<

If the smoker is a parent or other elder, we should not neglect to take care of our health out of "respect." The Qur'an is clear that we are not to obey our parents in things which are forbidden by Allah. Gently, but firmly, advise them of the reasons for your own choices.

MEDICINE OF THE PROPHET:Traditional Islamic Medicine

Muslims turn to the Al-Quran and As-Sunnah for guidance in all areas of life, which may include health and medical matters. The Prophet Muhammad once said that "Allah did not create a disease for which He did not also create a cure." Muslims are therefore encouraged to explore and use traditional and modern forms of medicine, with faith that any cure is from Allah.

Traditional medicine in Islam is often referred to as Medicine of the Prophet (al-tibb an-Nabawi). Muslims often explore the Medicine of the Prophet as alternative to modern therapies, or as a supplement to modern medical treatment.

Here are some traditional remedies that are a part of Islamic tradition. Note: One should always consult with a medical professional before attempting any treatment. Some herbs may be harmful in certain conditions and in certain amounts.

Black Seed

Black caraway or cumin seed (nigella sativa) is not related to the common kitchen spice. This seed originated in western Asia, and is part of the buttercup family. The Prophet Muhammad once advised his followers: "Use the black seed, because it contains a cure for every type of ailment except death."
Black seed is said to help with digestion, and also contains antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and analgesic properties. Muslims often consume black seed to help with respiratory ailments, digestive issues, and to boost the immune system.


Honey is described as a source of healing in the Quran: "There comes forth from their [bees’] bellies, a drink of varying colour wherein is healing for men. Verily, in this is indeed a sign for people who think" (Quran 16:69). It is also mentioned as one of the foods of Jannah: "The description of Paradise which the pious have been promised is that in it are rivers of water the taste and smell of which are not changed; rivers of milk of which the taste never changes; rivers of wine delicious to those who drink; and rivers of clarified honey, clear and pure..." (Quran 47:15). Honey was mentioned repeatedly by the Prophet as a "healing," a "blessing," and "the best medicine."
In modern times, it has been discovered that honey has antibacterial properties and has other health benefits. Honey is composed of water, simple and complex sugars, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and several different vitamins.

Olive Oil

The Quran says: "And a tree (olive) that springs forth from Mount Sinai, that grows oil, and it is a relish for the eaters" (Quran 23:20). The Prophet Muhammad also once told his followers: "Eat the olive and anoint (yourselves) with it, for indeed it is from a blessed tree." Olive oil contains monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as Vitamin E. It is consumed to promote coronary health and is used on the skin to increase softness and elasticity.


Dates (temar) are a traditional and popular food for breaking the daily Ramadhan fast. Eating dates after fasting helps to maintain blood sugar levels, and is an excellent source of dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium, and complex sugars.

Zamzam Water

Zamzam water comes from an underground spring in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. It is known to contain large amounts of calcium, fluoride, and magnesium.


Twigs of the Arak tree are commonly known as siwak or miswak. It is used as a natural toothbrush, and its oils are often used in modern toothpastes. Its soft fibers are rubbed gently over the teeth and gums to promote oral hygiene and gum health.

*in additions, you must have......

Moderation in Diet
The Prophet Muhammad advised his followers to sustain themselves, but not overeat. He said, "The son of Adam [i.e. human beings] never fills a vessel worse than his stomach. The son of Adam only needs a few bites that would sustain him, but if he insists, one third should be reserved for his food, another third for his drink, and the last third for his breathing." This general advice is meant to prevent believers from over-stuffing themselves to the detriment of good health.

Adequate Sleep
The benefits of proper sleep cannot be overstated. The Quran describes: "It is He Who made the night a covering for you, and the sleep a rest, and He made the day to rise up again" (Quran 25:47, also see 30:23). It was the habit of the early Muslims to sleep directly after Isyak prayer,  wake up early with the dawn prayer, and take short naps during the midday heat. On several occasions, the Prophet Muhammad expressed disapproval of zealous worshippers who gave up on sleep in order to pray all night long. He told one, "Offer prayers and also sleep at night, as your body has a right on you" and told another, "You should pray as long as you feel active, and when you get tired, sleep."

How to be a good "LEADER"

Let read the steps:

1. Learn More About Your Leadership Style

Understanding your current leadership style is essential. What are your strengths? Which areas need some improvement? One way to start assessing your skills is to take this leadership style quiz to get a general idea of how you lead. Once you have completed the quiz, read about the major characteristics of your dominant style. Are these qualities helping or hindering your leadership? Once you've determine which areas need some work, you can begin looking for ways to improve your leadership abilities.

2. Encourage Creativity

Intellectual stimulation is one of the hallmarks of transformational leadership. Followers need to be encouraged to express their creativity. Effective leaders should offer new challenges with ample support to achieve these goals. One way to foster creativity is to offer challenges to group members, making sure that the goals are within the grasp of their abilities. The purpose of this type of exercise is to get people to stretch their limits, but to not become discouraged by barriers to success.

3. Serve As a Role Model

Idealized influence is another of the four key components of transformational leadership. Transformational leaders exemplify the behaviors and characteristics that they encourage in their followers. They walk the walk and talk the talk. As a result, group members admire these leaders and work to emulate these behaviors. If you want to become a better leader, work on modeling the qualities that you would like to see in your team members.

4. Be Passionate

Would you look to someone for guidance and leadership if they did not truly care about the goals of the group? Of course not! Great leaders are not just focused on getting group members to finish tasks; they have a genuine passion and enthusiasm for the projects they work on. Start by thinking of different ways that you can express your zeal. Let people know that you care about their progress. When one person shares something with the rest of the group, be sure to tell them how much you appreciate such contributions.

5. Listen and Communicate Effectively

Another important characteristic of transformational leadership involves a focus on providing one-on-one communication with group members. Good leaders should express sincere care and concern for the members of their group both verbally and nonverbally. By keeping the lines of communication open, these leaders can ensure that group members feel able to make contributions and receive recognition for their achievements.

6. Have a Positive Attitude

Transformational leaders have an upbeat, optimistic attitude that serves as a source of inspiration for followers. If leaders seem discouraged or apathetic, members of the group are likely to also become uninspired. Even when things look bleak and your followers start to feel disheartened, try to stay positive. This does not mean viewing things through rose-colored glasses. It simply means maintaining a sense of optimism and hope in the face of challenges.

7. Encourage People to Make Contributions

Let the members of your team know that you welcome their ideas. Leaders who encourage involvement from group members are often referred to as democratic or participative leader. While they retain the final say over all decisions, they encourage team members to take an active role in coming up with ideas and plans. Research has shown that using a democratic leadership style leads to greater commitment, more creative problem solving and improved productivity.

8. Motivate Your Followers

Transformational leaders also provide inspirational motivation to encourage their followers to get into action. Of course, being inspirational isn't always easy. Fortunately, you don't need motivational speeches to rouse your group members. Some ideas for leadership inspiration include being genuinely passionate about ideas or goals, helping followers feel included in the process and offering recognition, praise and rewards for people's accomplishments.

9. Offer Rewards and Recognition

A good leader knows that offering effective recognition and rewards is one of the best ways to help followers feel appreciated and happy. It may also come as no surprise that happy people tend to perform better at work.

10. Keep Trying New Things

Who says leadership is a one-way relationship? As you work toward honing your leadership skills, don't forget to look to your followers for feedback an inspiration. Pay attention to the things that have been effective in the past and always be on the lookout for new ways to inspire, motivate and reward group members.

Saturday, 14 December 2013

“Love Your Parents Till Your End – A Short Story”

>>lets guy watch a video now <<

Once upon a time in village there was an old man-Bill.  He wanted to meet his son who lived in a city.  He started his journey and came to a city where his son used to work and stay.  He went to the place from where he used to get letters long back.  When he knocked the door he was excited and smiled with joy to meet his son.  Unfortunately, someone else opened the door. Bill asked, “I suppose Mike should be staying in this place.” The person said, “No! He had left the place and shifted to different location.”  Bill was disappointed and just thinking how to meet his son.  He started to walk in the street and the neighbours asked bill, “Are you looking for Mike?” Bill responded by nodding his head.  The neighbours gave the present address and office address of Mike to the Bill.  Bill thanked them and started towards the path which will lead to his son.

Bill went to the office and asked in the reception counter, “Could you please tell me the location of Mike, in this office?” The receptionist asked, “May I know how you are related to him?” Bill responded politely by saying, “I'm his father.” The receptionist said, Bill to wait for a moment and rang up to Mike and conveyed the same.  Mike was shocked and told the receptionist to send his father to the cabin immediately.  Bill entered the cabin and when he saw Mike; his eyes were filled with tears.  Mike was happy to see his father.  They had a simple conversation for a while and then Bill asked Mike, “Son! Mom wants to see you.  Come home with me.”
Mike responded, “No father.  I can’t come.  I’ve a busy life and it’s hard to get leave.”
Bill gave a simple smile and said, “Okay! You may do your work.  I’ll be going back to our village today evening.”
Mike asked, “You can stay for few days with me.  Please.”
Bill responded after a moment of silence, “Son.  You are busy with your tasks.  I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or become a burden for you.” Continued, “I hope if ever had chance to meet you again, I would be happy.” He left the place.

After 2 months Mike felt bad for treating his father in a weird manner.  He felt guilt for it and took a leave in office for few days and went to his village to meet his father.  When he went to the place where he was born and grew up, he saw that his parents were not there.  He was shocked and asked the neighbours, “What happened here? My parents have to be there.  Where are they now?” The neighbours gave the address of the place where his parents are staying.  Mike rushed to the place and noticed that the place where his parents are staying currently was like a graveyard.  Mike eyes was filled with tears and started to walk slowly towards the home.  His father Bill noticed Mike in a far distance and waved his hand to draw his attention.  Mike saw his father and started to run and hugged him.

Bill asked, “How are you?” and continued, “What a surprise to see you here. I didn’t expect that you would be coming to this place.”
Mike felt ashamed and kept his head down. Bill said, “Why are you feeling bad.  Is anything wrong happened?”
Mike responded, “No father” continued, “It’s just I never knew that I would be seeing you in this position in our village.”
Bill smiled and said, “I had debts due to loss in farming and wanted to reclaim our home back.  So I thought of approaching you, but you were more concerned about your tasks than us.  I just didn’t want to burden you with this problem and remained silent.”
Mike whispered, “You could’ve told me. I’m not an outsider.”
Bill turned around and said, “Your words on office made me to remain quiet.  All we wanted was your happiness.  So I kept quiet.”
Mike started to cry and hugged his father again. He asked his father to apologize and forgive him for his mistake. Bill smiled and said, “No need for that.  All I wanted was that you must come to us.  I’m happy with what I got now.” And from then Mike made his parents life more comfortable.

The moral of the story is that, the parents of most of the children wants their children to be happy and they don’t seek for a help when they need.  It’s the responsibility of children to take care of their parents till their end.

M. Ganesh Sai


 Realize that by the time someone reaches adulthood they mostly only use the left side of their brain while studying, that the mathematical side. Kids use the whole thing, probably why they do better in their minor test. Use both sides; it’s the only true reliable way. Think in colour, use your imagination, think clear and baby like, all it is.

(1) Clear your desk
If you think you can do just as well with a messy desk as you can with a neat orderly one. Have a folder for each subject and make your bed-all three oddly make your remember more.

(2) Relax
Take a enough rest.

(3) Start studying as soon as you can after school. 
The minute you come in the order, slam your bag on the ground, run upstairs, take a shower( if you need it), and start studying straight after.

(4) Listen in class.
 Believe it or not, those who do well in any subject listen in class, even if they don’t appear to be.

(5) Pick out the important words in bold and look them up on the net or get it from the textbook and write your own definition for them, this helps greatly.

(6) Paraphrase. 
By paraphrasing you can make the information easier to handle, making it better to remember what you have learned.

(7) For your homework, use the resources available to you, the main ones being the textbook and class notes. More or less rewrite it in your own words. Sounds kind of “argghh!” but you had been surprised by the amount of people who do badly because they don’t read the book.

(8) Get cheat notes and read them
This will make you see and feel cleverer when you are reading the textbook.

(9) Keep a note and pen near you, try to write out the points you are studying.
 It will prevent mind deviation and make your brain mare engage in studies. It’s a proven trick.

(10) Associate your theory with practice example. 
If you are studying history try to make a tale related to it. It will help you to know it very well.

(11)Take in interest in the subject, but don’t be too focused on being interested.
 Let yourself say “ Oh my gosh, really?” every once in a while, even if you feel like an idiot. Then make a note of what you did not know and say “Wow, that’s amazing”.

(12) Have the ability to relax with your textbooks
The tests aren't the end of the world so take a deep breath and relax.

(13) Do not spend more than 1 hour studying without having a break because the mind gets tired and does not give attention to the subject.

(14) Don’t study with either an empty stomach or with a fully loaded stomach. 
Take a light food before studying.